
Why Do Dogs Lick Other Dogs Ears?

When I see a dog licking another dog’s ears, I wonder why. Is it compulsion? Or do dogs have a more basic instinct to keep their own ears clean? What is the best way to discourage this behavior?

Canine acral lick dermatitis

Canine acral lick dermatitis is a painful condition that mainly affects dogs. The condition may develop in multiple areas of the body and can lead to infection. Typical symptoms include the formation of a raised hairless area of skin called an ulcer surrounded by thick plaques.

Treatment of acral lick dermatitis usually consists of anti-inflammatory medications. It also involves the use of a physical barrier to prevent access to the affected area. For example, an e-collar can be used.

The underlying causes of acral lick dermatitis are complex. In some cases, psychological factors are a major contributor to the disorder. For instance, stress and separation anxiety can cause the dog to lick excessively.

If the acral lick dermatitis has gotten out of control, the dog may become compelled to continue the behavior. This can reduce the quality of life of the animal and is considered a psychologic issue.

When the dog is diagnosed with acral lick dermatitis, the veterinarian may run tests to rule out underlying medical conditions that can trigger the disease. These may include joint disease, trauma to the area, nerve damage, or an infection.

Once a diagnosis of acral lick dermatitis and its underlying causes are made, treatments should be individualized. The goal is to reduce the risk of recurring licking and to prevent wounds from developing. A doctor may prescribe medication or may recommend that the dog be put on a strict diet.

In addition to medications, a doctor may suggest behavior modification techniques to help the dog break the cycle of self-inflicted behavior. In some cases, the dog’s owner may have to change their behavior in order to break the cycle.

The most common breeds that develop acral lick granuloma are Doberman pinschers, Labrador retrievers, Irish setters, and Great Danes. Some dermatologists believe that boredom is a significant contributor to the condition.

Basic animalistic instincts

There are several basic animalistic functions that dogs demonstrate. One such function is licking. It’s a way for dogs to interact with the world around them, but it also serves a useful purpose. By licking the ear of another dog, the two can bond over a common interest. The ear is full of nerve endings, so this is an ideal venue to display some of the aforementioned sexy.

Licking the ear isn’t the only activity a dog with a keen sense of smell will engage in. A more formal affair, such as cobbing, may involve chewing on the lobe of the ear. It’s not uncommon for a dog with a bonded relationship to spend several minutes snatching at the ear with its teeth.

While it’s not as glamorous as licking, displaying a dog’s ear is an effective form of canine communication. If the dog is stoic and the other dog is bold, the interaction will prove to be more rewarding. The dog will feel safe and reassured in knowing that he is not alone, and the owner won’t be forced to defend his turf by fending off a canine assault.

It’s also not unusual to see a dog snorting and snuffing its tail in the process. Likewise, humans who have a close bond with their hounds may spend time licking their canine partner’s ears. It’s not surprising, then, that a few dog owners have caught wind of their pooches’ ear licking proclivities. Some might even attribute this to a compulsive disorder affliction. However, this is more of an academic discussion.

The above is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dog lingo. There are hundreds of other behaviors that dogs demonstrate, most of which have a small audience.


A compulsion for dogs to lick other dogs ears is not something that every dog has. Usually, it’s just a harmless pastime, but in some cases, it can be a health hazard.

One of the most common reasons for a dog to lick other dogs’ ears is to signal submission. A dog with less aggressive personalities will often lick another dog’s ear in order to let them know that they’re not to be attacked. In addition, some dogs lick a dog’s ear to make the dog feel more at ease and secure.

Another reason a dog may lick other dogs’ ears is boredom. If the dog is bored, he or she will try to engage in an activity, such as playing with a toy.

However, if the dog starts licking the ears too much, he or she could end up with a painful ear infection. For this reason, it’s best to monitor your dog’s ear licking behavior and stop it before it reaches its worst.

There are many reasons for dogs to lick other dogs’ ears, from boredom to the salty taste of ear wax. In fact, some dogs even lick a dog’s ear as a way to show they are in control of the situation.

In addition to licking another dog’s ear, a dog may also lick a dog’s eyes or nose. This can be the dog’s way of saying hello, or it can be just to show affection. Using pheromones can also have an effect on a dog’s behavior.

Licking is a surprisingly common behavior among domesticated dogs. In fact, some dogs lick other dogs’ ears because they find it more attractive than a treat.

Excessive licking

When your dog starts licking other dogs ears, it may be a sign of anxiety. This behavior may also indicate Compulsive Disorder. If your dog is licking other dogs’ ears for obsessive reasons, you need to find a solution.

Unlike other obsessive behaviors, excessive ear licking is less destructive. It can be a way for your dog to express submission to humans. It can also be a form of self-soothing.

If you think your dog is licking other dogs ears in order to alleviate pain or discomfort, you should see your veterinarian. A doctor can help you determine if your dog has Compulsive Disorder and provide healthy ways to help your dog cope with it.

The ear is a natural place for bacteria to grow. The ear is also a very sensitive part of the body. As such, if your dog is licking other dogs’ ear regularly, it could be a sign of a bacterial infection.

In addition to causing an ear infection, excessive licking can lead to other health issues. Some dogs become tolerant of the habit, while others become obsessed with it. You can avoid this by redirecting your dog to another activity.

You can also use interactive toys or puzzles to distract your dog. Treats are also helpful. When your dog is distracted, it won’t have to worry about licking other dogs’ ears.

A dog’s ear is a very sensitive area, so there are certain things that you shouldn’t put in it. Some medications can be absorbed through the ear. You should check with your vet to ensure that the medication is safe for your dog.

Occasionally, your dog may lick other dogs’ ears as a normal and harmless form of affection. However, when the behavior becomes excessive, it can be a sign of Compulsive Disorder.

Displacement behavior

Displacement behavior in dogs can take many forms, and one of the most common is licking. Dogs lick other dogs’ ears in order to say hello, groom themselves, and to show affection. But sometimes it becomes a problem. If your dog licks too much, you might want to check its ear health, or even consult a veterinarian.

A dog’s ear licking is a cute, but potentially hazardous, behavior. A continuous moist ear is a great breeding ground for bacteria, yeast, and ear infections.

Some shy dogs will lick outside of their ears. It may be a test of their boundaries, or it could be a signal of anxiety.

Other times, a dog’s licking of another’s ear is a signal that he needs to interact. The yawning, or the yelling, may trigger this. If the other dog licks his own ear, it may be a signal of his boredom.

Alternatively, a dog might lick another’s ear in hopes of getting a treat. While it is unlikely that a dog will bite, it is possible that he will lash out at something. It is a good idea to redirect the behavior, and avoid rewarding it.

If you are looking for the best way to train your dog to stop licking other’s ears, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure your dog has adequate interactive play. Next, make sure your dog gets enough exercise. And finally, don’t be afraid to intervene. You might just save a friend’s ear.

Other signs your dog might be experiencing anxiety include panting. This is a sign of stress, but it is also a sign that you need to get him out of the house.

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